Sunday, December 21, 2014

Gingerbread Man Hunt!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful break. See you in 2015!

Friday, December 05, 2014


My special animal is a seal. She lives in the ocean and eats fish. We used plasticine and paint and construction paper and cotton balls. I worked so hard to make this ocean where my animal lives. I used paint, plasticine and cotton balls and I used a shoe box to put everything in there. I had lots and lots of fun. - Ditya

I made a dolphin's habitat. I used plasticine. I made a fish friend and an electric eel friend. I painted the background blue for the water and I added rocks. My animal lives in the ocean. Kody helped me make my diorama. We had fun. - Katie

I made a panda. I had fun making my panda. I like painting and painted the sky blue. My panda lives in the mountains and eats bamboo. My partner was Jill. - Alisha

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Morris Museum

We really liked going to the museum and looking at stuff. We saw bullets and a shotgun. We saw where they used to go to school and how tiny the benches were. We saw a fishing rod that was really old. Mr. and Mrs. McCrady gave us the tour. We met Mrs. Dreger my dad's teacher. We went to another room and got SunnyD and cookies. - Ethan

We walked to the museum and I saw two ends of a saw. I saw a Christmas tree and wrestling gloves and a violin. There were trains and they gave us a cookie and SunnyD. - Graham

It looks very cool in the museum. The record player was cool. I have never seen a
record player before. We saw a lot of dolls and a violin. I saw a long fishing pole and Danya and I went on a big scale and we almost weighed 100 pounds. I had fun. - Carmen

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Baking Biscuits!

I was number 3 and I added butter and 1 cup buttermilk to the bowl. Then we mixed it and made it into biscuits. I baked with Lucas and Kessandra and Mrs. Penner helped us. I had fun eating them. I liked baking with Mrs. Penner. It was a lot of fun. - Cara-Lyn

I was number 2 and I baked biscuits. I put salt and baking powder in the bowl. I used a jar to make a biscuit. I love baking. It is so much fun. - Lucas

I was number 3 and I had to add 6 tablespoons of butter that were cut into chunks and 1 cup of buttermilk. We mixed it with knives. I had fun making the biscuits. They were really good. - Dayna

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What Peace Means To Me....

Grade 1/2M Paint Poppy Pictures
A dog playing with a cat - Darius
Playing with my friends - Carmen
A quiet room and reading - Danya
Ice cream all around us. - Katie
A bouquet of flowers  - Kessandra
Eating pizza and playing games with my Grandpa - Logan
Playing in the snow - Graham
Playing in the snow and playing with my sister - Santana
Playing with my neighbour and cousin and having fun - Ethan
Seeing the shooting stars and watching the full moon - Ditya
Going into my hot tub - Zach
Going on rides at the Stampede - Alisha
Learning french - AJ
Eating ice cream - Raydence
Having hugs from my mom - Sophie
Getting a new student in our class - Lucas
Reading a good book outside and cooperative students - Ms Martens

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We will miss you Autumn!

Have a good day at your school. - Raydence
Make new friends in your new school. I hope you have fun. - Darius
I hope you have fun in your new house. - Cara-Lyn
I wish you good luck. Have a good time and make new friends. - Ditya
I liked how you were nice to me. - Zach
Good luck Autumn. I like playing with you. - Carmen
I wish you a happy life. I will miss you. - Ethan
You were very fun. - Sophie
Bye Autumn. I liked that you were a good friend to me. Have a great time at your new home. I had a great time with you. - Kessandra
I hope you have a good time at your new house. - Lucas
I hope you make new friends. - Danya
I liked playing with you. Have a good time at your house. - Alisha
Thanks for playing with me and being nice to me. - Logan
I like your new house. I will miss playing with you. - Katie
I liked playing hide and seek with you. - AJ
I liked playing with you. See you later. - Graham
I really enjoyed being your teacher. You are a great student and I will miss you. - Ms Martens

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friendship Fruit Salad

I brought an apple. We cut it first and then put it in the bowl. There were oranges, bananas, and an apple pear. Some people gave us the food and we ate it. I liked all of the fruit. - AJ

We put some mangoes, watermelon, and grapes into a fruit salad and we mixed it up and then we ate it. I brought a cantaloupe. It was fun. - Kessandra

I brought a banana, a kiwi and a mango. I couldn't find the mango in the fruit salad. Ethan brought a pomegranate, Zula brought a passion fruit, and AJ brought 2 apples and a banana.  Ms Martens read us a story while Mrs. Enns and Mrs. Blanchette cut up the fruit. We all ate the salad and it was very yummy! - Sophie

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Read below to find out what Grade 1/2 are thankful for!

My class, comic books, my mom and dad. - Graham
My mom, dad, sisters, brother, grandma, grandpa and Ms Martens. - Santana
The earth, Jesus, my family and friends and the whole wide world. - Kessandra
Mom and dad and what they give me for lunch and goldfish. - Carmen
Everybody and my lunch. My mom and grandparents in Morris and my dad and grandparents in Columbia. - Logan
My life, my cat, my dog, my brother and sister, my mom and dad. - Darius
My dad and mom, my sister, my brother, my home, my auntie, my uncle and my cousin that was just born. -  Raydence
God, I'm a Christian, my stuffed kitty, my brother Bo and my mom and dad. - Sophie
My mom and dad and my brother, my friends and my family. - Cara-Lyn
Making the apple muffins, pine cone turkeys, and my whole entire family. - Lucas
My dad, my mom, my two little brothers, and my Thanksgiving feast. - Zach
God, my mom and my dad and me,  and my sister. - Ditya
My family, for what I have, friends, creation and God. - Ethan
Friends, family, school, food and creation. - Danya
Mom and dad and my grandma, cousins, and a house. - Alisha
My mom and dad and my brother, my baby brother and my friends. - AJ
My family and my cousins. - Autumn
Turkey dinner with vegetables and marshmallow salad and my mom and dad and Nana and Papa. - Katie
My family, friends, going on vacations and my students. - Ms Martens

Monday, October 06, 2014

Artist in the School

Margaret Shaw-Mackinnon was the Artist in the School from Sept. 29 - Oct. 3. She has written the books called "Pod the Wood Elf", "Tiktala", and "The Beech Nut of Big Water Beach".

Grade 1/2 M with Margaret
Margaret holding her painting
Elfie and Rose and the Dragon    Written by Grade 1/2M 

I love the story. It was fun making them. With the artist writing on the smartboard we had to write the same thing and then we drew a picture. I liked the artist. We had so much fun with the Artist in the School. - Ditya

On Monday Margaret read us the story called "Pod the Wood Elf". Its about a boy and a squirrel. On Tuesday we wrote our own story about Rose, Elfie and the Dragon. It was fun because we drew pictures and coloured. I made my own book. - Alisha

First we listened to a story and then we drew pictures. First we learned about fairy tales and we drew Elfie and Rose and the Dragon. We voted for which characters we wanted in our story. We had to draw happy, sad, mad, in love, laughing your head off and jealous faces. I had fun and I'm glad we got to draw faces. I liked Margaret. - Darius

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Baking Apple Muffins!


We put flour, eggs, baking powder, oil and apple sauce in a bowl. We stirred the ingredients. We put the muffins in a tray. We put them in the oven. I worked with Lucas, Carmen, Darius and Mrs. Penner. I had fun baking muffins. - Danya

We had fun baking muffins. It was awesome! We had to squish the apples in an apple musher. We mixed it up. The whole class had fun. - Zach 

I got to put the cinnamon in the muffins. We mushed up the apples and put them in the muffins. I got to stir it and we put brown sugar and cinnamon on the top. It tasted good and was fun. - Logan
 Apple Muffin Recipe 

1 cup white sugar
1 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg
1/4 cup oil
1 cup chopped apple
1/2 cup apple sauce 

Stir dry ingredients together.  Mix remaining ingredients in separate bowl.  Add to dry ingredients with the least amount of mixing.  Spoon into muffin cups. 

Mix together:
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon 

Sprinkle on top of each muffin.  Bake 375 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Welcome Back To School!

We are looking forward to a great year. Please click on the video to meet our class.


Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Schools Out For The Summer!

Thanks for a great year and I hope you all have a wonderful summer! See you in September!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Design Process

I built a boat out of stryofoam and it floated. It could hold 96 pennies. Everyone's boat floated. We put them in water and put pennies on them. - Nick

I built a raft and I used popsicle sticks and stryofoam balls and a plastic cup. I tested it in my hot tub and put on the jets and bubbles. It went nuts, but still floated. It floated and it held 85 pennies. - Hana

First I started off with a blue print and then my dad got the pieces for my boat. Next we cut it so it would make an angle in the front. The materials I used were stryofoam, popsicle sticks, paper and glue. I had a lot of fun making it. It floated and held 180 pennies. Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you are building a boat! - Hayden

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Our Butterflies!

We got caterpillars in May. They were little when we got back from school they got bigger. When the caterpillar were big they turned into a chrysalis. They stayed in the chrysalis for 2 weeks. Then they turned into a butterfly. We let our butterflies go at Mrs. Edel deck. It was fun. - Mark

We liked having butterflies in our classroom. I did not want the butterflies to go because they were sooo pretty. They were Painted Lady Butterflies. We let our butterflies on the 13th. We were sad after we let them go. We found a caterpillar on Mrs. Edel's tree. We had fun with the butterflies. They were caterpillars then chrysalis and then butterflies. It was fun watching them go through the stages. We liked how they flew and dried their wings because I have never seen a butterfly dry their wings. I have 16 caterpillars on my tree at home. Now they are all chrysalis and there is 1 butterfly. - Molly

We had 16 caterpillars and they changed into a chrysalis and then a butterfly.We had lots of fun with them. I got to put a butterfly on my finger. - Alisha

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Thank you for supporting Lacie's Team Sunshine which raised $1160! It was a great day and Lacie had a lot of fun!
Lacie's Team Sunshine

Lacie's Team Sunshine


Morris School student, Lacie Hourie will be participating in the TELUS Walk to Cure Diabetes on Sunday, June 8th. Lacie lives with Type 1 Diabetes.  

Watch her YouTube video at: 

 We can support Lacie by:
      1.  Joining her as a Teammate to walk for the cure on Sunday June 8th at 10:30 a.m.  at the Lyric Stage in Assiniboine Park.  Registration begins at 9 a.m.
      2. Sponsoring  Team Sunshine online at 
      Enter Lacie’s Team Sunshine in the Fundraiser Search
      3.  Putting a donation in the Team Sunshine Jar in the Main Office or in Grade 1/2 Blanchette’s Room by Friday June 6th
Thanks for supporting Lacie! 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Field Trip

We took a bus to the Nature Playground. I went on the swings and slide. It was a lot of fun. We got to see Prince Charles and then we went to the Zoo. We saw a reindeer, porcupine, buffalo, a cougar and monkeys. Everyone should visit the zoo. It was lots of fun. - Danya

We got to the park on a bus. We went to Winnipeg. I walked up the hill and went down the slide. We went to the zoo and we saw buffalo, ducks and monkeys. My favourite animal was the cougar. I had fun. - Graham

We had fun at the field trip. We saw Prince Charles twice. We saw him once at the Pavilion and then we saw him at the zoo in his car and he waved to us. We played on slides and swings and we ate our lunch there. At the zoo we saw a cougar and bison. We had fun! - Tate

Friday, May 16, 2014

Shannon Rempel Comes to Morris School

Meeting Shannon Rempel - Olympic Speed Skater
Shannon won a silver medal in the 2006 Winter Olympics. Shannon practises 6 hours a day. She stops at lunch and she has fun with her teammates. Shannon has to eat healthy food when she is practising like apples and oranges and all kinds of other things. She trains in Calgary. I know her because she is my cousin. It is fun having a winter Olympic cousin. She is from Winnipeg. She started speed skating when she was 10. She played hockey first and then speed skating. I'm glad she came to our school. - Molly

Shannon came to our school and it was fun. She is a speed skater and skated in the Olympics. She passed her skate around and her suit. It was fun. She also passed her medal around. - Alisha

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

We baked cupcakes with Mrs. Penner. We made a cake mix and we added green and blue food colouring in separate bowls. We took cupcake pans and poured green and blue mix into it. Mrs. Penner cooked it and we made Earth Day cupcakes. Then we took blue and green clay. We patted it down on a plate and took pipe cleaners and pom poms and used hot glue to glue the pom poms to the pipe cleaners. We stuck pipe cleaners into the green clay. We made Truffula Trees. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Hana

We made our little world out of a Styrofoam ball. We used tissue paper and the colour was blue and green. Blue and green make earth colours. If you want to help the earth you can pick up garbage and be happy about our world and province. In the story "The Lorax" the Once-ler cut down the trees and he did not listen to the Lorax. We made Truffula Trees. - Alex

I started a "Clean Up" club to help the earth. We pick up garbage in the playground and in the field and in the basketball court. We want the earth to be more healthy. We made cupcakes and watched "The Lorax". I feel sad when people don't clean up. We made the little world out of tissue paper and Styrofoam balls. - Sophie

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Mr and Mrs. McDougall Visit Our Classroom!

My parents came to my classroom and my dad sang and played the drum. We walked around him. They showed us a dream catcher. My mom brought bannock and we all ate it. We looked at mitts and my mom's wedding necklace. I'm glad they came and it was fun. - Cara-Lyn

Mr. and Mrs. McDougall came to our classroom to teach us about Aboriginal culture. Mr. McDougall speaks Ojibway. He is Cree and Ojibway. We did a "Round Dance". It was very fun doing the dance. It was about unity.  Mrs. McDougall showed us the medicine they used. They use sweet grass and sage. I got to wear the cradle board where they put the babies into. It was a lot of fun. - Molly

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Day of Pink!

Standing for Respect!

Over 19,000 people across the province are standing for respect today as part of the third annual Red Cross Day of Pink. Red Cross Day of Pink, presented by RBC Royal Bank, brings awareness of the impact of bullying and what people can do to create safe and respectful communities.

Across Manitoba, more than 365 schools and businesses are hosting events that include film festivals, speakers’ series, rallies and parades to inspire their community to take action against bullying. For each official Red Cross Day of Pink t-shirt sold, the Red Cross can educate one community member to recognize and respond to bullying.

Friday, April 04, 2014

100th Day

Today was 100th Day! We made necklaces out of fruit loops. We had to put 100 fruit loops on our necklace. We also made crowns. We put 100 stickers on a crown. I ate a lot of fruit loops. They were good. I made a poster and I got a 100th Day certificate. It was a lot of fun. - Darius

Friday, March 28, 2014


We had to shake whipping cream to make butter in a jar. It tasted good. When we made bread we had to mix the grain to make flour. We added molasses, eggs, oil and water. After we smacked the bread on the table to get the air out. Then we baked the bread. We ate the bread with the butter and jam. I had fun and it was really good. - Mark

To make bread we put eggs, flour, sugar and molasses into the mixer. After we smacked the bread to make the bread soft. We put it into the pots and put a towel over it so it could rise. Then we baked the bread and ate it. It was good. I liked everything. - Cara-Lyn

I liked the bread because it is fun baking bread. I put vinegar in the bowl and then I smacked the bread. I liked smacking the bread. I ate the bread with jam and butter. I wish we had honey and cheese whiz. It was good. I like to bake. - Lucas

Monday, March 24, 2014


We got Lego books. I like the books. We got lots of books because we won a prize. - Graham

We won $100 of books because we read for 5194 minutes in February 2014. We got Lego Movie, Pete the Cat and Lego Chima and many more. I like the books! - Hayden

Sunday, March 23, 2014



It was fun doing Sports Day. My favourite sport is hockey. My favourite team is the Winnipeg Jets. I wore my Jets pajamas for Pajama Day. - Ethan

On St. Patricks Day we wore green. It was fun. On Jersey Sports Day we wore Jets shirts and many more shirts. On Punk Rock Day we had crazy hair. On Pajama Day we had fun and Emma. - Nick

We had fun. We were supposed to wear all green, dress as a rock star and have a lot of fun. - Tate

Monday, March 10, 2014

We Made 674 RIngs!

The Grade 1/2M class read for 5149 minutes at home during the month of February! I am very proud of their work and look forward to receiving our new books! - Ms Martens

We Love To Read!

It was very fun when I held the torch from the Vancouver Olympics. We had a contest to get $100 worth of books for our classroom. We had to make 400 rings. We got 674 rings. My dad was a Royal Reader and I liked reading. I love to read was fun. - Sophie  
I had a lot of fun reading. Altogether in my rings I had 170 and the minutes I read was 970. I love to read month was fun and my Royal Reader was my Grandma. She brought cookies. The book my Grandma read was "Clara The Cookie Fairy". It was a lot of fun when we won the prize. We got a new stuffed animal from the library. I love to read month is over, but the Paralympics are on now. We have 6 medals in the Paralympics. - Molly

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Olympic Ring Cupcakes

We baked cupcakes. We put in cake mix and eggs and mixed it together. We put them in the trays and baked them. We put on icing. Red, blue, black, yellow and green. It was lots of fun. - Danya

We made cupcakes with oil, eggs, and a cake mix. We mixed it with a mixer machine. It was lots of fun. We decorated the cupcakes with the Olympic colours. Ms Martens mixed the icing to make blue icing. She used chocolate icing and black food colouring. I got 5 cupcakes and I ate them with my sister and mom and dad. - Alex

I liked using the mixer because it goes around and around. We put water in the bowl. After we put icing on the cupcakes. We put blue, yellow, black, green and red. I liked eating them. - Alisha

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Prairie Theatre Exchange

I really liked the play because I got to be the Qallupilluit in "A Promise is a Promise". I liked being a helper with them and I got to see backstage. It was really cool. I had to move around and do a little dance. They did "Pigs", "Fifty Below Zero", "Zoom" and "I Have To Go". The actors were awesome. They practised for 2 weeks before they came to our school. -Molly
I liked being a pig in the play. I had to run and spin around. My favourite play was "Fifty Below Zero". I liked doing the stuff. - Cara-Lyn
Displaying IMG_5384.jpeg
I liked when I was being a pig and dancing around and I was looking at the actors. They opened the gate and I had to jump in. I liked the "Pigs" play the best. - Lucas

I liked when I was on stage. It was fun. I was on the wheelchair. I was the brother and I liked being the brother because I am a brother. I liked the acting. - Hayden

MVI 5519 from Donna Martens on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

One More Time!

Cara-Lyn and her mom asked a great question. "If you added food colouring to the boiling water would the cloud turn white or be the colour?" We were very curious so we tried the experiment again adding food colouring.

IMG 0609 from Donna Martens on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Jan. 24th - Weather Turns Warm: Temp. -3 Windchill -11

When the weather turned warm and we threw boiling water into the air it only evaporated a little little bit. The water just hit the ground. We learned that if the weather is warm the water will hit the ground. - Hayden

We threw hot water into the air it fell onto the ground. Only a little evaporated. The weather needs to be colder. - Cara-Lyn

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Working With The Frigid Weather: Temp. - 28 Windchill -36

We used a kettle to make the water heat up. Then we went outside and threw the water into the air. The water evaporated. We all ran to it. It was a lot of fun. - Hana
We ran to the fog. Some of us fell down because we couldn't see. The fog went up up into the air. We thought it might turn into a cloud, but it didn't.  It just evaporated. - Ethan

MOV1CB from Donna Martens on Vimeo.