Monday, February 27, 2017

England and New Zealand

England by Ethan
This is what we learned about England. The capital city is London.
Queen Elizabeth has been the queen for 65 years. The movie Harry
Potter was filmed there. The flag colours are red and white.
These are quidditch balls from Harry Potter.

New Zealand by Danya

This is what we learned about New Zealand. We tasted and learned about
bbq bananas. Wellington is the capital city. The national bird is the kiwi bird.
Aukland is a city in New Zealand. Their language is Maroi, English and New
Zealand sign language.
BBQ bananas. Yummy!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Philippines and Mexico!

 Philippines by Samantha
This is what we learned about the Philippines. They speak Filipino
and English. We ate spring rolls and they are very good. The
national animal is a carabao. They play basketball. The
Philippines is a very small country.

Mexico by Addy
This is what we learned about Mexico. The Capital City is Mexico City.
The national sport is football and they eat tacos. The language is Spanish and
they have Mariachi music.

Danielle's Corn Snake

Danielle's corn snake.
He is a month old.

I liked holding the snake because it felt soft
and so weird.
The snake was very, very cute and I really
 liked holding it because it was soft and wiggly.
I love snakes and it felt good to have it on my
arm. It is fun to play with a corn snake.
Having fun with the corn snake.