Wednesday, January 18, 2012



We used Q-tips and dipped them in the paint. We made dots for the snowman. It was lots of fun! - Aylie

The snowman was made with Q-tips. We dotted with the paint and used white, red, orange, green and black. It was very, very good. - Nathan


andrew said...

this video is so cool.

logan said...

hi ms martens class

adam said...

it was fun making snowmen.

Anonymous said...

What awesome efforts you all did creating your Q-tip snowmen! Im sure you had fun making them too! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello kids!

You did a beautiful job on your art work. I hope everyone had fun!
Mrs. Blanchette

logan f. said...

it is logan nice blog you have

natasha said...

hi ms martens i have a pillow pet

abby said...

hi mrs marten do you liike my ears I got them don on my birthday

Mrs. Penner said...

Hi Ms Martens class;

I saw all your fabulous snowmen in the hallway at school. They look soooo cool and amazing.

Keep up the great work and keep posting on blog, as we all love to check your blog! Its fun to see what you are doing and what is new.

From Andrew's mom

Mrs. Johnston's Classroom Glog said...

We like your snowmen. You did a really nice job. Your video is just like our snowman video.

From Mrs Johnston and Grade 3-4 J