Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Music Monday

Monday, May 6th is Music Monday. Everyone is encouraged to sing or play an instrument at the exact same time. Today International Space Station Commander Chris Hadfield sang from space. Here is a great example of how he is using technology to connect with the youth of Canada.



cheap nfl nike jerseys said...

Thanks for posting this.This is awesome!!

Andrew said...

Hi Ms.Martens class

My dad gets notifications on his email and when we know its overhead we run outside and see the space station. Sometimes we cannot see it because it is in the clouds. The space station is cool because there is a light on it that is super bright and its super far away! Now I know who is in it. and its cool how there is a Canadian in there. I like how there is zero gravity and the guitar floats.

from Andrew

Cassandra Penner said...

Hi Ms. Martens class,
Wow that's really cool how his guitar floats in the air and how he can talk to people from space!Do you think any of you would want it be a astronaut when you are older? I think it would be really cool to fly into space.

From Cassandra

Anonymous said...

Hi Cassandra,

14 of us would like to be an astronaut when we are older because we love space. We would like to float around and fly with our guitar. We would like to go into the space station. Thanks for commenting on our blog.
Grade 1/2M

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,
We would like to know what notifications mean. Can you hear the space station? Did you know that Chris is coming back to Earth today? Thanks for commenting on our blog.
From Grade 1/2M

Andrew said...

Hi Ms Martens' class;

Notifications means...... he knows when its going to happen because he gets an email telling him when and where to look. Like north east. and we can not hear the space station because it is so far away. Yes I think he is landing in a place called kazakhstan.

From: Andrew