Happy New Year! In 2013 I wish that:
- everyone has a friend
- Josia would come back for a visit
- I could play soccer
- my mom doesn't have allergies anymore and then I can have a cat
- we can play with Josia
- I can go camping with my family more
- I could spend time with my family
- everyone gets along
- I could play my wiiu more
- I could stay at Kids at the Corner all day
- I could be student of the week forever
- I can go to Canad Inns more often
Hi Ms Martens class;
I like all your faces on the wall. They are cool!! Have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish everyone would be friends - Molly
Hi Miss Martens and the class! I hope you will have a good 2013 year. I miss you all. Here we still have vacation for another month because it's summertime. Today I had swimming lessons for 1 hour. I played soccer with my dad. I picked out some of my favourite pictures so you can see what I've done here in Paraguay! https://plus.google.com/photos/118206336635111308547/albums/5834558605468560433?authkey=CLDW2PaV947A4wE
Write back as soon as you can! my address is ...chacoschmidts...AT...live....com
Love Josia (to the class and Miss Martens)
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