Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Our Wish For 2013!

Happy New Year! In 2013 I wish that:
- everyone has a friend
- Josia would come back for a visit
- I could play soccer
- my mom doesn't have allergies anymore and then I can have a cat
- we can play with Josia
- I can go camping with my family more
- I could spend time with my family
- everyone gets along
- I could play my wiiu more
- I could stay at Kids at the Corner all day
- I could be student of the week forever
- I can go to Canad Inns more often


Andrew said...

Hi Ms Martens class;

I like all your faces on the wall. They are cool!! Have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wish everyone would be friends - Molly

Unknown said...

Hi Miss Martens and the class! I hope you will have a good 2013 year. I miss you all. Here we still have vacation for another month because it's summertime. Today I had swimming lessons for 1 hour. I played soccer with my dad. I picked out some of my favourite pictures so you can see what I've done here in Paraguay!

Write back as soon as you can! my address is

Love Josia (to the class and Miss Martens)